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Comprehensive Sexual Education and Positive Healthy Relationships For Social-Emotional Health

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How might a better understanding of myself lead to healthier relationships?

The foundation of a healthy life is a healthy relationship with self. From our relationship with self, we then develop strong, fulfilling relationships with others, which add meaning and depth to our human experience. The earlier we start to develop healthy relational concepts and patterns, the better all the types of intimate relationships we may seek will develop.

We are complex

physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, sexual- all aspects of ourselves impact our wellbeing

How do I communicate my needs? How do I respect others' boundaries?

Consent & Communication

How to be heard & listen well

What is gender identity vs. sexual orientation? Who am I attracted to?




Be able to differentiate between anatomical sex, gender identity, gender expression and sexual preference

trauma & resilience

You are not your past; write your own now

How does what's happened to us affect us? How do we change our stories?

intimacy and love

Have tools to navigate complex relationships including sexual expression

What skills do I need to understand my emotions in order to inform my relationship choices?

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